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Areaportal Question


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Originally posted by War Master

Are you sure about the func_statics? I've tried it before and it didn't work.

Quite sure, because I have done it, and it was shown effective with "r_showtris 1" :)


I had to do it, because my battles with hint brushes in that particular situation didn't prove 100% succesful. But to cut the crap, you have to include in your script that moves the elevator (or what ever) the command set_adjustareaportals("true"). Well, I also added set_adjustareaportals("false") in the end, when the elevator was back in its starting position blocking the shaft, but that was only my precaution, and I don't know if its obligatory.


If you use areaportals with func_statics without this command, you'll get the ever-so-popular HOM. Try it out. It's worth it.

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