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Need Help: Yavin Trials, the sixth trial


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Up to now, these trials have been really easy. I got past the room with the gargoyles and the cage door, force-pushed my way through a wall, dropped down into a tunnel, and came out in a very tight, very tall courtyard with no roof. There is a pool of fast moving water in the center of the courtyard.


there are stone slabs, three of them, held up by buttons which beg to be force-pushed. Apparently, they form some kind of staircase to get to the levels above. Force push the button, and the slab drops lower into a kind of cradle made out of its guide stones.


Problem is, I hit the button on the lowest slab, and even when it drops down I cannot force jump on to it. I've tried various standing and running jumps, including using force speed in combination, and nothing works.


How do I complete this puzzle? Has anyone else had this problem? I am fairly confident I can can get the rest of the way up the steps if only I could leap that first one...

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Neither -- but I think I am in the trial just before the light saber. I just broke through the wall, dropped through a hole in the ground and ran through a tunnel, coming out at the bottom of the tall narrow room.


In terms of abilities I have force pull, force push, force speed and force jump. I finished the gargoyle / cage door speed run. I am in the next 'obstacle'.


I can force push on the buttons below the slabs, to make them drop down in their "guide stones", as one of the walkthroughs calls them, but I'm stumped after that. And when ever I step in the pool the water's current pulls or pushes me to the edges og the pool.


Any advice? I am thinking that my problem may not be a puzzle but rather a technique (i.e., can't figure out the buttons). My force jump is not high enough to get up on that first stone slab. I hold down the space bar, and then release.

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I found a walkthrough for that part. Here it is.


- Massassi Temple - Jedi Training Academy - Yavin 4 Moon






Initial Objectives:




*Meet with Luke Skywalker.




Primary Foes:








Secret Areas: 1




A Protocol Droid will let you know that Luke is waiting for you. You can look


around for a bit if you wish; there's a recreation of the War Room from A New


Hope near where you begin the level. There's not a lot to do in the Academy


proper except check out some Jedi Padawans engaging in a little lightsaber duel


action. Once you get bored of watching and heckling them ("We want a fencer,


not a belly...encer!"), head up to the very top of the Temple, where Luke


awaits. Apparently he finally hit puberty, because his voice has changed a bit.




Once you're ready to begin your tests, head back down a level or two and find


the door that was previously locked. Stroll through the garden until you find


the rabbit-hole. Drop through to begin your adventures with the Force....




Go right once the next level loads to pick up Force Push. In the next room,


Push the grey panels on the wall to find the correct glyphs you need to


proceed. The middle square, between the arrows, needs to have the correct


sequence of glyphs to unlock the door, so Push the tiles around until you are


able to proceed.




Grab Force Pull from the altar, then head into a water room for the next text.


Use Pull to extract the walkway from the wall. Once you get to the door, you


can keep going past it to reach a secret area, but it'll only net you a Battery


and a Bacta tank. You'll need to Pull these items out of the alcove, since


they're stuck far into the recess.




**Secret Area**






Proceeding out the door, grab Speed and drop down the hole nearby. Stand on the


platform to drop the door, then stand on the pressure plate to unlock all the


other doors. Once the last door has dropped (you should be able to see a cage


at the end of the corridor) hit the Speed button and take off. Don't worry


about the rising pillar; you'll see it again shortly.




You'll find Jump nearby, and a door that leads back to the main area. I was


stuck here for quite some time, because I didn't see the golden pillars off to


the right as you enter the room. You need to use Jump to scale the pillars,


after which you're done with the first go-round of tests.




The next test is down the stairs and through the doors. Use Pull on the


gargoyles to initiate water flow from each. Once the water level has risen,


stand by the door to let the platform float up from the bottom of the water.


The gate across the way will also rise; once it's completely retracted, hit


Speed and dash across the platform. It'll sink, but you should have plenty of


time to Jump underneath the gate before it falls completely.




Now, use Push on the wall next to the door to break open another passage. Once


you're below, you can use Push on the blocks below the stepping stones to make


something of a ladder. You'll need to Jump on top of the stones, then Jump on


the small guidestones next to them to complete the next jump.




This area is confusing so I've updated a couple of pictures to help anyone


who's stuck.




This is Kyle looking at the small ledge he needs to jump upon:






This is Kyle looking down from the small ledge. He needs to jump from here to


reach the next stone:






Once you're up top, head to the end of the corridor, behind the pressure plate.


Activate Speed, then jet off down the corridor towards the opening. You should


intersect a sliding platform, from which you can Jump to reach the final area


of the tests.




You're almost done. Use Push to retract the pins that stick out of the pillar


until the cage containing your Lightsaber is at floor level, then jump on top


of the weight nearby (above the ramp that leads downward). As the weight falls,


hit Speed, run up the ramp, and use Pull to get your Lightsaber out before the


cage closes again.




Now you can jump around and act like an idiot for a few minutes. The Lightsaber


here is much-improved over its implementation in Jedi Knight, so get used to


the new movement system and throw the saber around a bit for good measure. Once


you're ready to get on to the next mission, jump up on top of the small pillars


near the exit door, then throw the saber through the ropes to release the


stones. Cut the lock on the next door and you'll be off to Nar Shaddaa.

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Thanks SamFisher, I appreciate it, but I have checked this walk through and it doesn't help me with my problem. The screen shots the writer shows on his web site show Kyle already standing on the first slab. I can't for the life of me jump up to that first slab. I have been able to use force jump successfully in all previous trials, so what am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any advice...

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if i remeber correctly, there are little small ledges on the sides of the big button type things, thats where you jump on to first, dont try to get on to the main thing, just onto the little bits on the side, then onto the main platform.


i havent played this in months, and i could be very wrong, eek, sorry.

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Check your other topic.


Cheating is your call. However, I believe any game-play problems you might run into can be solved thru seeking help on the web. There is a lot of expertise here and elsewhere. (Technical problems on the other hand sometimes defy solution.)

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When you push the stone to cause the bigger stone to fall into place, jump on on the bigger stone, then jump on top of one of the arms of the U shaped rock that is holdign the stone you are standing on. Keep reapeating until you get to the top. You need to jump on the edges of the U to get up top. Switch your view to 3rd person, its easier to see where you land.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Get to where you can enter cheats (shift + ~). Then enter "set Forcejump 2" without quotes and you'll be able to jum right on top of the stones no problem. If you want, once you finish that test, go to cheat screen again and enter "set Forcejump 1" to return to normal level.

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Hi, I know exactly what you mean, I spent ages jumping around trying to get onto the first block and found that I could only do it from one spot.


From the door into the area, walk forward to the corner nearest the first block right on the edge of the water and do a standing jump from there. The other jumps were easy.


I am now stuck on getting the lightsaber from the cage - it gets boring after too many tries, but I'll stick with it.

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Are you using speed to get to the cage quickly? Of course you are, sorry. There is another force that might help you, though. ;)


And, you needn't worry about getting caught in the cage if you get there very quickly. (Crouching can get you "out of the gate" quicker.)

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