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Lightsaber hilt mapping


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I've read so many tutorials on how to successfully map a lightsaber for coloring in and stuff, but honestly can't do it. I really need assistance on this please. Can anyone help me out. I have 3ds max. I've got to the point where you break apart the vertices and lay them out one by one, but when i do the vertice just resets it self. Once again i don't know where to turn. Please someone help!!!:confused: :confused: :(:confused: :confused:

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Hate to steer you to yet another tutorial, but this is the one that finally allowed me to figure out UVW mapping.




I wouldn't move mesh pieces around. Personally, I do UVW mapping similar to the following:


1) select all the polygons that would "map" nicely (like the shaft section of the hilt)


2) With those polys selected, add a UVW map modifier


3) Choose the mapping method that works best (maybe cylindrical, although I always try to stick to planar whenever possible)


4) Add a UVW unwrap modifier, click "edit" and see how your map unwrapped.


5) Add an edit mesh modifier on top of that, selelect the next set of polys, and repeat the process.


6) at the end you'll have a huge stack. Make a backup of your file, collapse the stack and add another UVW unwrap modifier. Click edit, arrange and fit all your maps into the nice square, then you can start texturing.


If you have Max 5 you can use "render to texture" to get a base texture to then tweak in photoshop.



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Yes, it can be modified. Kyle's saber is in \models\weapons2 in assets0.pk3


1) Import the saber_w.md3


2) Modify and export as MD3


3) Open up in MD3view and export as GLM as well


4) Zip up in a PK3 retaining the same directory structure (\models\weapons2 etc)


5) Either dump your new PK3 into your base directory, or better yet make it a loadable mod by putting it in it's own directory in the Gamedata folder (that way you can load it up in the MOD menu without messing up your original game)


Hope this helps



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