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light switch tutorial that doesnt work


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Ive followed the triggering lighting tutorial here http://mapping.jediknightii.net/tutorials.htm



i have my light and its targeted to a trigger once...


the light has the start_off button checked


and the trigger itself does not have the use button checked as stated..


but when the level is loaded the light is already on and when i walk through trigger nothing happens ???

does what this tutorial tells you actually work ????


anyone know how to make the lights come on like in the map "Hoth IMP BASE"


as none of the tutorials on that site work. ive had to do things a different way to get them to work.


i have jk2 radiant by the way...

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I just did the triggered lighting tutorial myself, using JK2Radiant, and it works perfectly. When you say the light is targeted to the trigger_once you have it backwards. Make sure your light(s) targetname doesn't match other entities. The only seriously flawed tutorial on that site is the custom skybox one, other than that one they all work well. Maybe you're just too tired or something. ;)

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