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Not really sure about this, but maybe check your preferences (click on the prefs button) and make sure all your paths are setup right. Although I think you wouldn't get any drop-downs (not just one set) if these were messed up.


Otherwise, maybe just missing it in the long list...the relevant force "set" items are right underneath "SET_SKILL" (at the very bottom of the list).


set ( "SET_FORCE_JUMP_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_PUSH_LEVEL", "0" );

set ( "SET_FORCE_PULL_LEVEL", "0" );


etc., etc.



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Once you put the set command in the script, double click on it. In the right hand box you will see a drop down menu, use that and a massive list of commands will come up. Right at the bottom of this list are the commands for weapon and force powers. Find the force power you want to set, then press re-evaluate, then choose the level. Rinse and repeat if neccesary...

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