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Falling Func_Breakable Destroys a 2nd func_breakable


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*Note: I tried the search, but in all the results it didn't answer my question.


Ok. Func_breakable #1 drops from the ceiling on top of a Func_breakable #2. I need both of them to destroy themselves when they hit each other. How do I do this?


Here is the code to drop func_breakable #1:

//Generated by BehavEd


rem ( "stalagmite01 Script" );

rem ( "Script by: Obsidian-Jovani" );


affect ( "stalagmite01", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


rem ( "Move stalagmite01 to ref_tag stalagmite01_stop" );

move ( $tag("stalagmite01_stop", ORIGIN)$, $< 0 0 0 >$, 1000.000 );




I tried placing a Trigger_once & then a trigger_hurt on top of fun_breakable #2 and targeted both brushes to destroy, but it didin't work. Is there something I can add in the script? Ideas?

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I tried to SET_HEALTH to a negative, but it just made the func_breakable invincible.


An idea: after move put in the following:

wait ( 1000 );

use ( "stalagmite01" );

use ( "stalagmite02" );


Then I tried your idea Leslie, but it still didn't work. :(


Any more ideas?

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Originally posted by Leslie Judge

Put those 3 lines after the whole affect.


Well I did that, but it still failed to blow up.


rem ( "stalagmite01 Script" );

rem ( "Script by: Obsidian-Jovani" );


affect ( "stalagmite01", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


rem ( "Move stalagmite01 to ref_tag stalagmite01_stop" );

move ( $tag("stalagmite01_stop", ORIGIN)$, $< 0 0 0 >$, 1000.000 );



wait ( 1000.000 );

use ( "stalagmite01" );

use ( "jumpblock01" );



Could my ref tag be in the wrong place? I ask this because right now stalagmite01 kinda sinks into jumpblock01 a few units.


I also tried using: kill ( "stalagmite01") but that failed too.

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It seems like the USE command would work. I wonder if something is wrong in my func_breakable properties. Here is what I have on them:



Key: script_targetname

Value: stalagmite01


Key: splashDamage

Value: 25







Key: script_targetname

Value: jumpblock01


Key: material

Value: 4


Key: radius

Value: 2


Key: delay

Value: 1


Checkboxes IMPACT


Should I be using paintarget too? Ideas?

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Ok, MP-Mapping idea, but anyway: When triggering the first stalagnite- stop the time it takes for it to drop to the second one. Then make the first trigger trigger the second one (just include the wait-command) you should get it to time pretty good- given the wait are 100th of a second....


Just my 2 cents...

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Originally posted by Leslie Judge

Nah, OK, I get it.


To affect something in a script you need a script_targetname. And you have it right.


BUT to use something, even from a script, you need a targetname.


L.J. you are a God send. Thanks so much. It works great now.

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