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Errors in jk2 radiant compile with q3map2.5.2


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Leslie Judge has kindly been helping me out with this problem on MSN

but what happens is



On rendering my map with q3map2.3 it renders fine


ive just got 2.5.2


and it keeps getting error after error



MAX_TW_VERTS (12) exceeded now the solution was


It's similar to the MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING error, but happens in the raytracer setup. Q3Map 2.5 and later create a BSP from the map and entities for raytracing.



but i cant think how to fix this ? ive tried making huge brushes smaller and making more brushes structural not detail..


then on rendering again i got viewing distance exceeded. Why didnt i ever get this in my other maps that were much bigger with q3map2.3 ??? ok i can do dynamic lights but appart from that its no good to me i need a big area for one bit of my map

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