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Skybox Problem


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My skybox images are showing up with a HOM effect like I'm looking at caulk in the game. Why is it doing this? Here is the process I did in making my skybox:


1.) Well I rendered 6 nice images in Terragen for my skybox and then resized them from 960x960 to 1024x1024 and saved them as .jpg. Each file has the correct naming convention, such as yoursky_ft.jpg and so on and so forth.


2.) I created the following shader for the skybox:




qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga

q3map_surfacelight 35

sun 197 2 9 150 180 25

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks



skyParms textures/resurgence/onderon 512 -



3.) In the editor JK2Radiant I textured each surface of the sky & terrain with the shader and it shows up fine with the tiled boxes with SKY in them.


4.) I compiled and then proceeded to make my .pk3.


5.) I put the new sky shader in a folder called shaders and the 6 image textures are in the folder textures/resurgence/onderon. I also put all my scripts and bsp file in the folder maps. So I created the pk3 and loaded up the SP game.


6.) After loading my map the sky shader emits light like it's supposed to, but the images are not showing up.


Oh and can the 6 images of the sky&terrain be .tga or must they be .jpg?


Please help...

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They can be either jpg or tga.


As I see the problem is in the skyParms.


You say your six textures are in textures/resurgence/onderon folder. But in the skyParms you specify textures/resurgence/onderon which means six pictures in textures/resurgence folder called onderon_ft, onderon_rt, etc...


If you correct the shader you don't have to recompile.

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Originally posted by Emon

Also a suggestion: Render your images at 1024x1024, resizing them looses detail.


In the tutorial that I read on making skyboxes with Terragen http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer/terragen.htm it mentions that the unregistered free version only allows a maximum render size of 960x960 (or was it 960x1024). Anyway I resized the images in PSP to 1024x1024 maintaining the aspect ratio.

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