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Movie on E3

Echuu  Shen-Jon

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Quite probably, but they (LEC and the LFN staff :D) know we're better behaved and more appreciative when they drip-feed us info :p:D


I expect we'll get to see a decent length+quality video around, oh, August... ^_^


And maybe something shorter a bit sooner than that, if we're lucky :)


Until then, it's likely just to be the odd rumour or a few screenies/scraps of info from LEC... But, as always, you never know :D

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Posted by Kurgan

This is off the record, but I would anticipate a big release around June 1st...


But don't quote me on that. ; )

Ahh, intriguing :D


/me waits impatiently for June 1st to come :D


As for LucasArts, check every Friday, they have a mind of their own!
LOL so true :D



Thaks for the 'hintfo' Kurgan :thumbsup:

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