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how do i add custom music to my lvl?


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If this is for Multiplayer then inside Radiant do this:


1.) With nothing selected press 'n' to bring up your entities window.

2.) Select Worldspawn.

3.) Enter for your key field: music

4.) Enter for your value field: yourpathname/musicfile.mp3

5.) All done! Compile and enjoy. :)

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Originally posted by _Ashley_Solo_

ERROR: unable to find music file:

( C:\program.mp3


You are putting the file in the wrong location. ALL files related to Jedi Outcast editing needs to go in your GameData/Base directory. So for music make a file called "music" inside your base directory and put the music file in there. Then make sure your pathname inside radiant is correct.


Key: music

Value: music/filename.mp3 (or filename.wav if it is a wav)


EDIT: Make sure you recompile your map after you change the key and value for music.

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if this is Multiplayer then you need to set sv_pure to zero! To do that bring down your console (shift ~)after you started the game and type /devmap yourmapname +set sv_pure 0


Note: Get in the habit of doing this everytime you test your maps because it lets you see custom textures as well.

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It should work fine when you pack everything into a .pk3 file. Just remember to place all your folders for your map in the .pk3. So add your music folder, which contains your music file.


Once everything is packed you won't have to set the sv_pure to 0. But be sure to delete the .bsp file from the maps folder in your GameData/Base directory so the game will load up your bsp from the .pk3.

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