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Ok Firstly anything addictive (this includes, caffine, nicotine, alchohol, food (yeah sugar has been proven to be addictive) and various other drugs) is dangerous.


The reasoning behind this is a simple truth -


Everything in moderation.


This means that its fine to have a small amount of most substances and they will do you very little, if any, harm. To futher illustrate my point, If you were to drink 6 leters of water in one go you would die, your body just cant handle that much water.


Ok so if something is addictive, you will crave it, you will have more of it, usually over the "safe limit", which does damage to your body. This causes a cost to society (the economists here will know if it as a negative externality, bascially the cost of treating you, passive smoking etc)(it will also cause a personal cost that you don't take into account, you will most likely suffer a health problem as a result of taking the addictive substance).


Now from my experience, I only have that of food to draw upon, as I have never gotten seriously addicted to anything, never smoked, never taken drugs. I found that going on a diet was terrribly difficult, but once you were on it, things became much easier, although I have recently slipped back into old ways, I've managed to regain some ground in the last few days.


My point is that people make excuses, delay until just after a particular event, never say your going to quit, never put a time span on it, do it now, you have the ability to stop, and you will feel good about yourself for doing it.


I would also like to say, Zoom well done for giving up, your methods are actually quite right, meditation really can help.

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