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how do i add fire/torches?


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If you would have used the SEARCH field you could find several answers to this. But since you fairly new I'll give you an answer. :)


You need to make a fxrunner entity. It'll be a blue box. After you place it where you want the fire add the key: fxFile and value: env/small_fire. Next add a light above your fire and change the color by pressing "k" and choosing orange. Compile and be sure to set your sv_pure to 0 (if this is a MP map). All done.

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yah but every time i try a search i get a quake help guide..anyhow im a n00b to this (lol) so i wanna thank you for the help..and i got one last question *hopes*



when i make a model and test the map in SP, they arnt solid and can walk thought them...will they become solid in MP or do i have to do something to them?

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Originally posted by _Ashley_Solo_

when i make a model and test the map in SP, they arnt solid and can walk thought them...will they become solid in MP or do i have to do something to them?


Glad to help, because that's what the forums are for. :D


All models that you add are not solid. To make them solid you need to create a "CLIP" brush over the model. The clip shader can be found in the system textures. So goto Textures -> System -> clip (it's red with the word clip on it). Apply that shader to a brush over the model.


Just a note though. Some models can be complex and branch off in different directions. Just make more precise clip brushes over those parts.

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Originally posted by Emon

If you use Q3Map2 you can add "q3map_autoclip" to your shader, and it will automatically clip the model. Only works well on larger models without really small details.

Would you mind going into more detail about this? What do you mean by adding q3map_autoclip to your shader? Do you mean adding it to a .shader definition for your model's texture? Sorry, but I'm lost, and this interests me...
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