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prt file....


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ok im almost done with my duel map of the chateau from the matrix reloaded, and i go to compile er to test it out, which ive done before, and all of a sudden it doesnt work. Sof2map keeps crashing whn it goes to vis. When i look in junk, it says missing prt file, and something along the lines of "wierd error, pleasse contact john or rick" Ive compiled a different map, but for some reason this one isnt working. Any ideas?


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In that case the Unspecified error is during the BSP provess, so it doesn't make the .prt file for the VIS.


I don't know if you can do anything to get it work. I do remember that there is at least one (probably much more) thread about this subject.


Easiest way to solve it the change to q3map2. But try to search and read the different opinions. Keyword is: "John Rick" or "unspecified error".

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