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Clan Hydra.....new clan just made


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Hey all, just wanted to check in and mention that I am creating a new clan called Clan Hydra.


A website is the works and will be used as the main headquarters for the clan.


The official map of the clan will be the City of the Ancients due to the large abundance of buildings that can be used for meetings, ceremonies, etc.


Honor before victory! Clan Hydra promotes honorable activity and brotherhood among its members. In addition, I hope to have a working mini-congress in addition to me as the working authoritative figures.


I am relatively new to JKII online (bout a month playing) but confidently feel that I have the potential to establish and sustain a working and efficient clan for JKII enthusiasts.


*One big rule though, no other clan member may use the Sephiroth skin online.....that skin is ESPECIALLY saved for me lol, :D

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Those kind of clans always work in theory but never in real life. You will be in your little congress when a bunch o wackos who don't give a dang about your "honor code" will come in and just attack. Not letting you get a thing done. Of course, you could always lock your server or kick every single crackpot that comes in. There is also very little chance that you will get enough members to do something that big.

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I guess you decided not to join Crimson Legion after all, Red_Star. You might want to join a clan before you start one so you have an idea of what running a clan is truly like. Crimson Legion has been around for almost four months now, and still going strong with 6 very dedicated members. Dread and myself (the co-founders) actually met in another clan, so we had some idea on how to start a clan of our own...

How exactly is your clan doing now? Can you give us any details?

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