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Website down time

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Due to some major web server problems, the actual Galactic Battles.com website will be offline for a few more days.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

I have found out today that all the Galactic Battles.com files have been lost.


It will be a few weeks at least until I can get the new site up and running. I have decided to again revive the 'What would you like to see' thread for any additional ideas.



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

I have found out today that all the Galactic Battles.com files have been lost.


Ouch... wow... that's a lot of stuff to replace. You mean all the html pages and all the images used as well? That's a TON of stuff... who's the moron who lost it all?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Someone thought it would be clever to hack into the web server for Lucasgames. Meaning that everyone who uses the forums and websites suffer.


Some of the sites and the forums (as you know are working ) but I think it will be a while before GB.com is back up properly.


Don't see it as a negative though, it's a positive...all change for GB.com!!




PS: Make sure that you get ALL your ideas down for suggestions to make it a better place.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I am not sure when the new GB.com will be online as I am still waiting for passwords etc plus to find time on completing the new design.


Plus, I have been asked to design http://www.jediknight.net which will become the major hub for ALL JK related titles. A great honour considering it's LFNs largest and most popular website.




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You mean you didn't have a copy of the files on your hard drive? How could you update the site if you don't have local copies of the HTML to work on? Well, I'm sure there must be a good reason that I just haven't thought of. No-one trusts a webserver that much do they?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I have a hard copy of the site. All the site updates were done using various scripts, meaning that I didn't need to touch the design of the site at all. (how clever!)


Besides, I have been working on a new look site for a bit, it is just having the time to take my ideas off paper (yep...i draw things out on paper) then transfer the idea onto computer.


In the meantime, I will try and see if LA can give me any light on SWGB 2, although I think it won't be until Autumn (Fall) next year.



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