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stuck in library level 2

Guest wmskaggs

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Guest wmskaggs

I am stuck in the large library room in Babylon. I just inserted the medium cubiform tablet near the top of the room and watched the bridge crumble behind me. Now, how do I get back down. Where do I go next?






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Guest MdkSniper

Did you get Both cuneiform tablets up there?? If you didn't your screwed. Anyways go to the edge and look down. See that ledge to the left? Jump down to it. Pick up the red jewel. After that jump onto that big wall in the middle and step on that thing. A cutscene go's on and go into that cutscene room and get Marduk's statue. Now go back to the elevator room and put the pieces together. A door will open go get that stuff and push the block in there.. Then press the gold button and jump up to the jeep. The level ends..




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