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Multi-player combat JKII

Lady Inigma

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I'm new to the forum, and new to playing JKII multi-player. I just got done playing it for the first time on-line, what a rush. :) I was wondering if I might get some pointers. Any information you want to impart to this young padawan will be greatly appreciated.



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So you want to learn the way of the jedi huh?


1.Never run around with your lightsaber on (Other players can see you easily because of the light coming from it.)

2.ALWAYS interupt with a saber lock, its easy to kill enemies.

3.Use rocket when nessecry.

4.When playing as light jedi, always have higher rank for force protect,asorb,mind trick and Heal

5.When playing as dark jedi, always have a higher rank for force grip,lightning,rage and seeing (To countertract the jedi mind trick)

6.Use force push to break out of a saber lock.

7.Use tactics like wall-running and kickking/side-kick.

8.If the enemy pushes you away, quickly press and hold the "jump" key to get up faster.



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