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Young clan now recruting!


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Allow me to introduce our clan "Fellowship of the Force"


we @ fotf.net aim to provide JO gamers with a place in which they can enjoy gaming and comradery in an environment free from politics, unruly gamers and tyranny from leadership hierarchies. Our recruitment is limited and requires you to establish an initial bond with the clan before joining, however applications are taken at any time. We try to provide healthy compeition interally as opposed to battling other clans ....although we do engage in matches as well. Hope to see all of you around more!



Good luck 2 you all - - - Happy gaming!

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Nice mission statement, Prom! You have recently issued a challenge to my clan, Crimson Legion. Moe will be contacting you shortly regarding this manner. Based on what I've seen so far, I think our clans can have some fun together...

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i agree! We will be awaiting the challenge! Good to see clans like crimson are in effect. If there is anything you guys need help with .... feel free to ask. FotF is at your service


peace d00d-

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