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"foggy" problem;)


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Originally posted by BongoBob

"WARNING: textures/fogs/fog.tga has empty alpha channel"


Well there is no sub-folder of textures in assets0.pk3 called fogs so I am assuming that this is a custom fog shader.


However, it sounds like the problem is with your fog texture itself. Did you make an alpha channel for this?

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There is only one yavin_swamp fog. It wants to use textures/fogs/fog.tga as in-editor image. It doesn't exist in the default game pk3s, but it is in the mapextras.pk3 which comes with the editing tools or GtkRadiant.


And yes, it is true it doesn't have an alpha channel. My Radiant says it too. But I have no problem with it.


I use GtkRadiant 1.2.12


When does your comp crash exactly? I mean what steps do you make?

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