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Can't get PK3 to register...


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I've put everything into a PK3 file, and the map name shows up in the MP menu, but when I click "Begin" to play the map, I get taken back to the main menu. Also the levelshot I took isn't showing up.


My PK3 is called "street.pk3" and in that I have...


-botroutes folder


-map folder


-levelshots folder


-music folder


-textures folder

*custom textures within subfolders

-scripts folder




Any idea what might be wrong?

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No, the levelshot is the correct size. I've got everything I need, except that the map won't load when I select it from the menu. I press "BEGIN" and it sends me back to the main menu. I repacked it and even recompiled it, I have no idea what is wrong.

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