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Well, I just downloaded and played the AoK trial version, and I must say... I WANT MORE! If GB is anything like this, and which I expect it to be 10 times better, I'll be skipping school every day to play it ;)


The graphics are phenomenal, the only thing that leaves something to be desired is the terrain, that is sort of scratchy, but it's awesome how you can have either male or female workers, and the civ characters are smooth, not scratchy or distorted.


The gameplay is great, it only takes you a few minutes to get a hang of the controls, the upgrades are great, and it's cool how you can upgrade through the ages.


Well, there's my 55 cents about AoK and here's to GB being 10 times better! :D

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Guest DarkTrooper

if u like AOK u will like the expansion The Conquerers. it has more civs u can be the AZtecs, The Mayans, The Huns, The spainards, the Koreans. it is really cool. there is also more types of games u can play

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hehe, don't worry boba, they're posting on the off topic forum.:cool:


anyhow mij, you should get the package which contains both AoK and TC. i believe there are recorded games in there which should give you an idea of how the pros play. also, yes, this game should function similar to aok, but better b/c of the units and it's star wars. go to Mr. Fixitonline to see the differences bet. aok and swgb.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Only one and a half of the sentances in this entire thread are about gb. That's why it was moved.



*EDIT* How could you possibly say this was about gb? Using your rules, I could post a topic about milk and at the end put, "gb will rule!" and it would be ok. :D


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