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Anyone here know how to create message boards?

ewok mercenary

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Personally I prefer PhpBB, not only because it's free, but also because it's easy to use and looks better than VBB in my humble opinion :)



Yeh, I use PhpBB. Although, I think VBulltien looks better, because it has better mods and sub forums. ;)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Yeh, I use PhpBB. Although, I think VBulltien looks better, because it has better mods and sub forums. ;)


I hate the way Vbb underlines all forum names and topic.. You must be able to change it, but in the version I used a long time ago, it wasn't that easy to customize it :) But still, vBB is a good board :D


Oh and you can get free messageboards too, based on PhpBB or whatever, hosted somewhere else. The will most likely be adverts though...

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Originally posted by HertogJan

I hate the way Vbb underlines all forum names and topic.. You must be able to change it, but in the version I used a long time ago, it wasn't that easy to customize it :) But still, vBB is a good board :D

i had a vbulletin in the past and now im runnin a phpbb one, but if i ever get the chance i change back in a second. phpbb is nice and all, but vbulletin is just easier to modify


and changin those underline can easily be changed in the cascading style sheet (css). text decoration: underline none

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