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New Ladder Idea


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forgive me if this has been sugested before, becuase i havent been around the community for quite a while...but how about a sort of a SP ladder mission were you defend the Tantive IV against the invading wavs of Storm Troopers? you start off as a Rebel Soldire, defending the hall ways of the corvett, and then throughout the mission you get certain side objectives, like maybe blowing a doorway or somthing, then gradualy finding your way to an escape pod. sound good? this is just an idea i came up with today, so maybe some map makers will take it up or somthing.

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Hm... That sounds like fun. Maybe I'll be able to help you there but as of now, I'm nearing completion of a beta version of my map and I'm also going on a trip. We'll see about it later. O and just so you know, this goes in the editing requests forum.

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