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bespin undercity

Lord tooltime

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Here's a walk through:



You begin at the bottom of a long shaft, with four breakable

grates around the outside. You need to break one of the grates and

climb in to a large lift, but be careful. The lift goes up and down by

itself, and as its coming down to your level, it creates large gusts of

air that blow out of those grate openings. If you wait for the lift

while crouching right in fron of the hole, you'll get blown off into

oblivion. Wait on either side, listen for the sound of the lift coming,

and you will have plenty of time to avoid the wind and still make it on

the lift. Once at the top, kill the guys and head for the door. It will

only open when the lift is all the way at the top (you'll see the light

over the door change from orange to white). Go through and yuo'll see

two diverging corridors. They will both lead to the same room at the end,

but the corridor on the left has an additional area. Kill the enemies

advancing toward you, take the left corridor, and ride the lift that's

around the corner. It takes you up to a small hangar with a red shuttle

and a bunch of guys. Jump up onto each of the cockpits on the shuttle,

and then hop over to the small ledges on each side for some goodies.

Once you're done, take the lift back down and go in the door around to

your left. This room has some more enemies, and a small gnome-type guy

at a console. Don't fool with him just yet. Over in the right corner of

the room is a lift. Take it up and you'll find another small hangar,

just like the one you were in before. Kill the guys, jump up for the

goodies, and head back down to the room with the gnome guy.





You can use the Mind Trick on the gnome guy to get him to push

the button on the console, or just kill him and push it yourself =).

Notice that hitting the button will open the door to that room with the

flames, but it does not stay open for long. wait until the flames stop,

hit the button, and then use Force Speed to run through. Use your saber

to open the lock and get out before the flames come back. Go up the lift

and you'll find a shield regen unit at the top. Peek around each corner

of the door to snipe the greenheads waiting outside. Now walk through

and check out the shaft. You'll notice that every so often, a red

forcefield appears inside the ring. You have to walk across this...if

you try to walk around the ring, you'll get fried. Use Force Speed,

and run straight across the next time the field turns on. Ride the

little lift up to the next ring, and then use Force Speed again to go

across. Keep doing this until you reach the top level. Wait for the

field to turn on at the top, then run over to the door on the left.

Through here is a health canister and another lift. Go up, use the

shield regen unit if needed, and head out to the next room.

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