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How do i watch demos?


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Originally posted by Bilbo Skywalker



hey [JA]-Daemon

liked the way you played last night, you almost won bespin shafts

you plus Virus was not easy to cap against, i was the first in the row of 3 that you killed to try stoping the 2 to 1 win.

To clear that up for you that do not have a clue what i am saying:

on a pub game last night Daemon and Virus on op side to myself (Virus on there own is bad arse but with Daemon there was not going to be a easy game) Daemon got a cap very erly in the game, and it was a stale mate from then on, no one able to cap.. with about a min left in the game we get a cap, and the score lvls to 1 all.


well i swap from flag D to flag O, run absorbe hop hop hop, running back with flag.. i had about 7hp and trying to keep out the liner of fire, I am close to flag but zero force left, when Daemon comes steaming in and rips me a new one... but he was not able to get to flag before its picked up, he then i think (i was dead at the time) was able to kill the second flag holder... i think the flag was very close to pole now... we get to the flag again before it was cleared... we score win the Game 2 to 1


but i got to say it was a great game loved every min of it.


plus no jerry was on, so no team killing lol

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