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Compiling Problem


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If you have a text editor that lables the number of each line, open your .map file, and scroll down to line 8565 and make sure it's correctly parsed. Or if it's incomplete, like the error says.


Also, make sure that texture that it couldn't find truely exists.

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:eek: It's gotten worse! Now it says that several thousand lines are incomplete. When I load up the map, it shows me having textures in the map that are random numbers, which look like coordinates. I have absolutely no clue why or how this has happened. It appears that several normal textures are now missing in game also (i.e., textures/cairn/door3) Here are some pictures of the editor:





I now fear that this map may be hopelessly lost and my copy of JK2 and/or radiant is somehow screwed up.:(

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Hey, cool. Glad you had a .bak laying around. Sorry that splashdamage was a wash... maybe ydnar just hadn't yet seen your post. He's usually very, very, very, very, very helpful and he knows damned near everything.

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