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E-mail Search engines


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Well, I don't know about any e-mail directories, but why don't you call her. You're probably nervous, so just relax and you'll do fine. While talking to her, get her e-mail address. Just don't say, "Hi, how ya doing? What's your email....ok thanks, bye."

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I know you said you are better in email, but your best bet is to just call her on the phone. More personal that way. Plus on the brighter side, its a lot easier to say no over email than it is over the phone. Just a thought for ya.


Relax and good luck. Once you start talking to her, you wont be as nervious.

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

if she didnt give you her email, and you go find it out... she may think you're a weirdo/stalker


I agree with that. She gave you the number so you could call.

It would be weird if you all the sudden e-mailed her.

Just like it would be weird if she gave you her e-mail then you out of the blue called her.


Getting one doesn't really open the door for you to get the other. Especially if you have to research it on the internet.


Ask one of her friends(if you know them) then at least you can say "so-in-so gave me your e-mail address".

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Do you see this girl often? Like, since you first have meet her. If you come at her through means that she did not give you, then it would scare her. I know it would scare me if I was in her shoes and that happened.


If you see her around, take the time to talk to her to her face. Nothing beats a face to face conversation. Then you can easily ask her for her phone or email.


If us know if that is an option.

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