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Join The Jedi RPG


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Hello, as I'm sure you're aware. I am the Gamemaster for a new Star Wars RPG called Star Wars Jedi. It centers around the Jedi knights of the new republic. To join, simply visit our webpage and register. And be sure to be original. This is a fully interactive experience. Don't pass up the chance to be a real Jedi.


Our page can be found at http://www.geocities.com/jessman2232000/homepage.html

And our forums are located at


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Still looking for an RPG co-Game master. Requirements include, helping with the completion of game dinamic, including the Jedi trials, which is one of the only things needed before RPG is fully complete.



We have updated the lightsaber information page. This includes construction and different styles. Also, a new rule has been added. Jedi Masters are capable of creating new fighting styles.


We still have open possitions. Join now and become a trusted ally to the Jedi. :)

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