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Rapp's series of explanations - Part two: The monkey robot. Secret of MI revealed?

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Consider this. I know this is a bad idea, but it is the only explanation I have for the monkey robot.

Monkey Island is Atlantis. The people of Atlantis were very intelligent and knew about electricity. They made the monkey robot. And then the monkey robot and atlantis sank in the ocean. History became legend. Legend bacame myth. And an island that should not have been forgotten were lost ...


Until one day. When it reappeared in the caribbean, and during the years the monkey robot had sunk into the ground, so only the head was visible.


But I cannot explain the portal to hell/Big Whoop. Maybe that was the reason that Atlantis sunk in the ocean in the first place.


Stupid story, but it is the only explanation I could find.


You got any theories? Maybe this should have been in the general discussion, but since my other explanation is here...


-Rapp Scallion

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ok.. i had an idea last night (posted somewhere else already..):



a) After SoMI the caves closed somehow the ghostpriest in efmi said. that's ok so far ..


It could have happend together with the creation of Dinky Island before LCR began. The caves closed because LeChuck was gone or something like that..


b) The vulcano breaks out after CMI .. that huge explosion when Guybrush "kicks ass again"..


c) The mechanical voodoo ape (i think it's better than a voodoo based ape, because the voodoo is: it is driven by apes and lava (the vulcano was there all the time!).. and the power of that ultimate insult). Perhabs it could be driven by anything producing heat .. this could explain the colemine thing ..


d) This ape .. was build by.. who ever it was .. i would say Herman was with him/them (cannibals? apes? ..). He was the the one that holds the governors seal which is needed for the ultimate insult.


So Herman must have build the ape, then get the stuff to lucre island into the bank .. then he got back to Monkey Island (to find the secret) and stranded there ..

Then came LeChuck .. and later on SoMI.

LECHUCK used his powers to create these caves under MI.


Now The CLUE is:

1) there is the key to the apehead (big q-tip) .. and

2) in SoMI not mentioned: the lever in the nose! One way goes UP (into the control-center-head) and one DOWN. May be originally it was the way into the apes body and mechanical section and LeChuck has changed/used/cursed it for his caves!

In SoMI Guybrush only uses that way down to the caves.


That may work.

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