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2 qestions, (not about release date or weapons)

Dan'mah D'upre

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A.) I resently read something about the character creation that stated we can only create human characters for ourselves, but I thought you can control alien charaters in your party, so why not let us create them from the start?


B.) If I wanna get a good feel of what the battle engine is supposed to be like, are there any Xbox games I can rent to test it out?

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A.Because the Player Character has to be human for story reasons. Those characters that are other species are premade characters that all have pre-written storylines. So you wouldn't be able to create them. Think of them like characters in a book you are reading.


B. I don't think there is but you could try NeverWinter Nights for the PC. Though the combat for KotOR will be much improved over NWN.

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