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level 12, How to activate 4rth statue?

Guest Marion

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Ok, I can't fill the bucket, It appears that the water has to flow over the spot where the 4rth beam is shining, not sure. I've stood all around that darn pump thing-a-ma-jig, and no action. Guess I'm not as smart as I thought..... wink.gif

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I think I've tried every possible position. Moved all around the thing. Selecting the bucket, then hitting the enter key. Seems like it would have worked by now. Can you be more specific on where to stand? I'm wondering if I missed activating something. Does pump need to be turned or anything like that? (This game is wearing me out!)

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Guest Crazylegs

jump across when you enter the room with the pump thing.. then walk to right, turn so your standing directly towards the hook and use bucket..It should work


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