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Anyone here know the SBX mod for JK1? That was brilliant in my opinion... I think something like that should be included in JA (the flips and things made for really good fights), and most of all... FORCE JUMPING IN MIDAIR! That was a brilliant ability. It was a nice counter to Force Push. You get thrown down into a dark bottomless pit, and your enemy turns away, and turns off his saber. Suddenly, you come floating back up onto the ledge, your force pool drained from the Force Jump, and you suddenly turn on your sabre, and make a run for some Bactas, or attempt to kill the enemy who threw you down there. =)


In my opinion, that was really cool, and I'd LOVE to see it in JA. But, if it's not...could somebody please make a mod for it? ^_^

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SBX was relly fun (and still is)

But I dont like the midair jump.

We havent seen it in any Star wars film or game, and I dont believe we'll ever see it.

People seem to forget that using the force requires alot of concentration, the Jedi are actaully quite limited during a battle.

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