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On strafejumping


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I don't know if this is just an illusion. But I have noticed that with the screen not in fullscreen, you strafe jumps are smoother and faster (640 by 480 res). Also, when I played q3 i noticed my fps to affect my speed of strafe jump. Does that work for jk2 also?

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Only thing that makes a difference for me is 1st vs. third person view.


I can fly in 1st person but in third I'm about 30-40% slower when I strafe jump.


It's not the game it's me. I just have a hard paying attention to my jumps and not my character (like I should) when I'm in third.


Also the slower physics as opposed to quake 3 kind of screw up my timing a little.

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FPS doesn't affect the 'speed' at which you strafe jump, well, not exactly anyway, framerate is related to how far you can jump, but being able to jump further does let you strafe jump faster. But it's not as simple as high framerate = further jumps, for some reason there are just some values that give increased distance when jumping. Oh, and it does work for jk2 as well.


There was a post on some quake3 board, where someone had experimented with different fps values and recorded the effect it had on jumps. I'll try and find it if anyone's interested.

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im alot better at q3 strafejumping since I use a better version of the left left right right instead of alternating left right like i do with jk2. And bout that thing in first person that must be why ive been notcing a big slowdown since when i used to play alot of guns, since ive been trying to strafe jump fast in sabers. They really need an OSP mod for jk2 (or jk3) so you can see your speed. Detritic I leave this project to you if you can make one. A mod to see your speed.

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Figured out what went wrong. In q3 I use a double strafe jump. I use left left right right instead of alternating left right left right. Which means in q3 my first turn I do about 35-40 degrees and I add another 10 degrees on my second jump of the same one. Then when i alternate I goto the 35-40 degrees to the other side. This worked for q3, but it won't work for alternating jk2. Because techinically your supposed to do 45 degrees a turn but since I do a double jump I can afford to lay off some of the degrees. But in jk2 I was'nt turning enough so I didn't feel the extra increase of speed per jump like in q3.


To tell if you are jumping right, you should feel an extra burst of speed after every jump until about the 5th one where you max out. This kinda makes it seem like there is an invisible hand pulling at your skin to make it jump forward even faster.

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wow, people talk about me even when I haven't posted in about a month. :)


framerates do have a minor effect on your strafe jumping speeds, there are certain framerates which are preferred (if your graphics cards can handle it), I think 83 and 120 are the common ones.


as for an OSP mod, nice idea, but i'm not planning on doing anymore editing for JK2, right now I don't have any editing plans at all, but I might do a bit for JA.

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Yeah, I don't think I'm jumping right. Well maybe. Wait, do you actually see the body (3rd person) turn from side to side? I also noticed the slow down in 3rd person. But then again, my internet connection has been acting weird lately. I can't wait Detritic for your stuff in JA :D

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

Yes, you feel like someone is pulling you, getting faster each jump. Turn the way you strafe about 45 degrees.


Are u kidding me, you are BSB? The same clan led by the inffamous BSB_MercyMan?


So, do you strafe back and forth (left right) or use the mouse to turn? I sort of use a combo of the two. Do I really need to though? And yup. Same BSB led by MercyMan. Most of them went onto Battlefield but I'm sticking to JO. Hopefully they will be back for JA. :p

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Originally posted by Haemon

Find that jump training map by MadDog just to test your strafejumping. I think I read that it was on the Shock server but I dunno. I still have it if you want to tell me your aim or what channel you're in.

That would be great! My SN is Yolkboy12

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