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Map Compiles..Wheres the BSP?????


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This is not the first time this has happened. I'm done with my map, wel 98% done, just want to compile and test, so i run BSP FullVIS (GTK) and it runs and what not. Good. I've deleted the old BsP, SRF, and PRT so its fresh. Now, i go and compile, it runs through....and....nothing. Wheres my BSP? If this cannot be figured out i quit mapping. Anybody

-Mix Master

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So you tried reloading the editor and re-BSP? Try restarting your comp. If that doesn't work you must have a leak and the error is not showing up. Check your junk text or open up the map file in NOTEPAD and look for things that don't look right. Like say you have a brush turned into a wordspawn...thats a big one LOL.


Also try looking in your HELP/ General/ compiling_manual

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Originally posted by Mix_Master2k

well what exactly would i be looking for in the lines/strings

what would something wrong look like?


Originally posted by lauser

Like say you have a brush turned into a wordspawn

<---Yeah this would be a bad thing. Or you turned a door into a target by accident. You have to check for these things.


If you have trouble, send me the map file.

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Yeah i had the same exact problem... im using jk2 radiant, and i just looked in the base/maps/snapshots directory


there should be something like this in there





each time you compile it makes one of those files... and puts a different number on it. just go to the latest one (the highest number) and make a backup of your original map file, like rename yourmapbackup.map and go into snapshots, find the latest compile and rename like if it was yourmap.map.8 just take off .8 and then copy it and put it in the maps directory.. load it up, and try to compile. if it doesnt work get yourmap.map.7 do the same thing, one of em will work. Only problem is, you lose anything after that compile, and youll have to redo it... hope it makes sence.

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Did you say if you are using GtK Radiant? If so, what version?


Because on the newer versions of GtK Radiant, it uses a better compiler which doesn't use the BSP FullVis option.


If you're looking to test it, use one near the top of the BSP menu marked (Test).

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