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Game crashes when fighting ice monster

Guest james001

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Guest james001



Game crashes and sends me to desktop everytime I try to use the machine part on the ice guardian in level 4. Has anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it? It happens when I play in 16bit and 32bit color modes. Or maybe someone could send me a save game right after killing the ice monster.


Thanks for any help!



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sorry man, this happened to me too. you need a save right before you slide down and don't save it throughout the battle, it won't crash



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Guest Psychosis

I never had any problem with the game crashing whenever I saved my game while fighting the ice monster. After sliding doen into the ice monster room, I saved tons of times and not once did the game crash. Maybe you all are having problems with DirectX and should download version 7.0 from the Microsoft Website. Also, get the Infernal Machine patch from indy.lucasarts.com

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Guest Darth Timo

Yeah, I had this problem with the 11th Level of Jedi Knight (Gorc & Pic - The deadly twins), too. It seems to me that Indy 5 has more with Jedi Knight in common as planned...

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Guest james001

I do have directx 7 installed so I know that was not the problem. I took the advice about not saving during the battle and that did the trick.


Thanks to all who helped!

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