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Prison area mines


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I have released all the prisoners and have jumped down the fan shaft and found the little secret area and went through the second tunnel and am at the mines.


My health is 18 and my ammo is low but I have the stun baton. The light amplification goggles last only about 15 seconds and I keep getting lost in the mines and eaten by the crabs.


Can anyone give me directions through the mines? I have used the search function to see if anyone else had this problem and someone told them which way to turn, but it seems that I am the only one that is lame enough to lose his way.

Thanking you in advance


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Originally posted by ElPelado

What i always do when i play that level, is to turn always to my left. doesnt matter what, always to the left, and you will find the finish. try it.



ElPelado and crow_nest

This is my fourth attempt at trying to thank you for the help you gave me, but it seems they're having trouble with the servers.


I am now past the trials and in the bar with my light saber.


I think this is a awfully nice site and it is gentleman such as yourself that make it so.

Thank you so much


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