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Will a 56 modem work?


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Actually you have that backwards my friend. The more people using a lower bandwidth modem the more stress it puts on the servers for having to compensate for that the small amount of information that can be sent to these players.


Think of it this way, your running through the highway and every car is a Corvette. There is no speed limit on this highway so everyone is flying down the roads at 100mph. Then someone enters the road riding a station wagon going 40mph. Well the cars behind this person will be forced to slow down due to this slower car. That is how it works with a server. The more low speed connections the more it clogs up everyone elses connections, causing more lag for everyone.


You can see this automatically with even small server games like Battlefield 1942. If your in a game where everyone has cable and a connection of 62 and then someone jumps into the server with a connection of 400, the server will lag up for a minute to be able to send the right amount of information slower to the person with the slower connection so they might have an enjoyable experience as well.

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The monthly fee is part of the reason why playing over 56k will be possible. SOE will be able to provide enough bandwith for every single player no matter what connection they are on. Enough to where a 56k player wont effect anyone else.


The only problem is when patchs come out, then 56k players are going to be frustrated, especially when the patch is huge.

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