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Mon Calamari Dry Environment Penalties


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Due to me living in New Zealand, it's going to take me a couple of weeks to get this game, so I was wondering if all you lucky people already possessing it could help me out with a simple question: What are the penalties Mon Calamari get on Tattooine?


If you could also give some sort of scale for reference (i.e. how does it affect play, minor nuisance or debilitating injury), as just plain "-xx to this stat and this one" won't mean much to me with no playing experience :)


Thanks a lot to anyone willing to take some time off from playing to answer this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WooHoo! A reply!


If I took that to mean that there are no actual penalties in the form of stat reductions or modifiers, and that it's mainly just a role-play thing would I be correct?

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