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This game was a lot more impressive graphically 6 months ago then what it is now, I remember a video they showed of the sandcrawler and c3po and r2-d2 in a sand environment and it had graphics that would make your jaw drop. Now everything looks like butt. what happened?

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How are you coming to the conclusion that the graphics "look like butt" are you in game currently? did you adjust your ingame setting and game resolution? what type of PC and graphic card are you using? do you know that the game has higher graphics then any graphic card out on the market can handle?

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Also remember, you are seeing the game through whatever card was used for that demo/screenie. A lot of the official stuff was done with a Gforce 4. ;P


The Higher end cards can show quite a bit of nice detail. Also, keep in mind that, unless you were in Beta, you have no idea what has been done to this game. Three monthsa ago, I joined beta. Nearly every patch since then has borught more texture packs. The game went from looking great, to having me sit and drool for an hour at the moon and water detail.


So Dephier, as a former beta tester for SWG, I ask you, where do you come up with such drivel?

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