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Darth Malak

Ulic Qel- Droma

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Originally posted by Lord-Tyrell

Well the developers said that they wanted a Vader-type character (with the cape, and breathing thingy). So like I said, maybe that thing around his mouth is some sort of breathing thingy that Vader had.


yeah, that would explain it wouldnt it:) but where did you find this out?:confused:

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Originally posted by Ulic Qel- Droma

yeah, that would explain it wouldnt it:) but where did you find this out?:confused:


Probabaly on the official boards at Bioware.com


The devs post a lot there, so for little info and tidbits here and there, you should check the forum out. ;)


I like the idea of a vader-like character, but I hope not everything has to be "like" something was in the movies.

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One of the first statements that I can remember about KotOR is one of the earlier previews in which they talked about the villain which would be a cross between Darth Maul and Darth Vader... and quite frankly, it just might seem that they have somewhat succeeded with Darth Malak. The breathing apparatus is prolly there for that reason, although there might be a bigger (currently undisclosed) story behind it all.

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