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How do I "remap camera"


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I have reset my keyboard so that the numberpad keys are used as follows. the 8 is move forward, 2 back, 4 left and 6 right. The problem that I am having is what do I need to to change looking up and down to one of these key, I guess like panning up and down. I keep looking and have no idea how to do this.

Any suggestion would be great

Thanks all,

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To look up I rekeyed move camera up to 9, and tilt camera down to 3. I also remapped personal light to 5. I left move left and move right on default on the L and R arrow keys for straffing.


Then I remapped sit to ctrl-s, laying down to ctrl-l, etc. If you are doing marksman skills, positioning DOES give modifiers in your ability to hit and not get hit.

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Reaper - you can completely remap almost all the controls in-game to whatever configuration you liked best in your other games.


I'm left handed so I put movement and camera tilting on the numeric pad, and put my track-ball on the left.

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Originally posted by Danyx

Reaper - you can completely remap almost all the controls in-game to whatever configuration you liked best in your other games.


I'm left handed so I put movement and camera tilting on the numeric pad, and put my track-ball on the left.


Being left handed must be easier, deffintley to use the numpad keys. But hey i will use the w s a d keys. Or similar keys that i use to many other online games. :)

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