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I am truly sorry if this has been posted b4 but... Warring Factions CTF "Secret Spot"

{Big N}Fanboy

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In the Warring Factions level in multiplayer, there is a ledge in which u can get up to...ok lemme try and describe it....uhhh if u start where the flag is (on either side) for CTF, and u are facing straight ahead down the long walkway path to the other color base, u will look in the upper right hand corner of the screen and see a ledge waaayyy up there...and i have seen many people reach it and therefore obtain a sufficient sniping post. Is there anyone that can help me by telling me how the heck to get up there?!!?! If not it's ok and just delete the post...but otherwise please describe in great detail. Sorry if this has been posted b4.



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doh... give it a rest crow...



you can use a flechette jump to get up there, start on the sniper platform area, use force speed run towards the glass tunnel/tube and jump on it, then face down and shoot it with the secondary fire of the flechette just as you land on it, you should go flying up in the air, just try to angle your self up to iy..


but really theres nowt to do once your up there.

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Flechette Jump, hadn't thought of that.


It's also possible to reach very high places using the "timed explosion" of your own placed Det Packs.


A harder way is to get two people to force grip each other and levitate up (haven't tried it, but supposedly it works, with patience).

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