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Best way to learn new skills?

Devlyyn Sarr

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Someone correct me if i'm doing this wrong. But whats the best way to learn new skills? I have all the experience but when I want to train I have to pay like 2,000 credits. 2,000 credits! Where do you get money like that? I cant do any of the kill missions because they are all too hard (like 27 difficulty??). The delivery missions all require you to run thousands of meters from the nearest town to deliver something. Isnt just straight running for like 30+ minutes round trip a bit much for 500 credits? Or is there a better way to do this?

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This is what I created the name and skill lists in the server forums for. Utilize those, as well as just asking people to train you.


Also, try grabbing some 1200-1500 credit destroys. They normally run difficulty 7 or so, and can be done if you do it properly.


If you want me to show you, /tell Deft on Starsider and I'd be more than glad to take you hunting.

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You can take the shuttle, it cuts the time down to nothing. Taking two deliveries to the same place will help out too.


As for actually training in the skills, try asking another player. Most will even do it for free, since they get apprenticeship xp.

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