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In need of a Clan and a Jedi Trainer


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Just got back into the game in a big way (Extended break).



When I left I posessed moddest skills in terms of Saber combat and force usage other than Consta-Absorb to stop the Lightning-Whores ;)


And I'd like to expand on them basically, im not interested at all in Mercs.



I'm based in London, England, if timezones worry you.


Any other info you need dont hesitate to ask :)







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Hey there! Welcome to the forums!


There are some awsome clans around here...Check out the Master Clan list thread :) I belong to Crimson Legion, a really awsome clan. We play mon and wed 1030 pm USA Central Time.

But I live in Italy so i'm one hour ahead of you. If you are interested in joining our clan or training with me just 1 on 1 e-mail me at sizemattersnot@hotmail.com. (If you have MSN messanger add me also sizemattersnot@hotmail.com)

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