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Level 5 - underwater

Guest lando

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I dont know why... I must be a stupid guy, but after blowing part of the ship with the torpedo, I can t open the door. what is going on. Which key should I press? Do I need a special object?, PLEASE, HELP!!!

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Guest Indiana Frog

Well, there are only two open doors once you get on the inside of the ship. One of them leads to a small room with a hammer and the other leads to a whole series of rooms which you need to get through.

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There are two items you need to get within the ship itself. A key and a hammer. The hammer (if I remember correctly) is just inside one of the open doors that is under the water in the area you swim into through the blasted whole in the side of the ship. The key is a much harder task. It's all the way at the bow of the ship way down low. You'll have to swim through a series of hatches and pathways to get to it, encountering many man-chomping fish. I first went through and cleared out as many of the fish as possible, then went back for the key. There is a ladder with a hatchway you'll come across under the water that is secured with a lock. I'll just tell you the key doesn't open it.





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