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Any reason i should continue with medic?


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Ok basically what i was looking for with a medic would be the guy that sits in the back of battle and heals. Problem with this every time we attack a monster it instantly comes all the way to the back to attack me. No idea why. So i had to give up fighting and go to hospitals and cantinas for hours just healing people. Do these people give me anything for my time... no... So basically i make no money just exp and i sit in the same room for hours at a time. Sorry but that is not fun.


Now just to be clear im not saying the medic is bad simply i wanna know how to have some fun with it so i dont have to sit in a hospital for hours. If anyone has some tips that can help me get out into the field rather than sit in a room all day would be appreciated. I realize that medics are in need and i wanna fill a gap. Problem is im starting to thing they are in need cause they are down right boring.

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I know it must be difficult. They ought to install a mandatry fee to use the medics in hospitals. You players NEEEEEED to tip medics and entertainers. I do an will continue to.


I had an instance where I needed to heal battle fatigue and there were only two medics in the hospital. And about a 30 pcs needing healing. I also sat there for an hour. Eventually I paid a guy I just met and started hunting with 700 creds to help him get some more med training. He was then able to help me recover somewhat.





BTW What server are you on?

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Im on the kauri server. I did lose all my exp from the rollback the other day thats mainly why i was asking cause im basicaly back to brand new. Cause it wouldnt matter if i became something else. But yoru right nobody tips. From 4 hours of doing this the other night one guy gave me some supplies that was it.


If i do this im gonna demand money before i heal. Its pretty bad at this point.

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This was our big complaint as medics in beta. There is no way to force people to pay. If the /diagnose command is working, use that to assess wounds, then charge accordingly. We tried to get them to install a NPC healer that would charge ratehr than the auto heal system. That way people would be used to paying for heals, and would gladly pay us as the price on the NPC would be high.


In any event, get harvesters and you should be able to get by.

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Well the fact is that a Medic isn't going to get very far unless they are able to gather resources themselves, thats a plain and simple fact. Because until the community has matured you're not going to see people giving away excess organics that they have, give it a few weeks so that people can start getting some cash and surplus resources and you'll start seeing tips come in.


But the bottom line here is that you shouldn't be expecting tips from anyone unless you're having to give them a significant amount of treatment, yes it means spending a long time in the med centres but it really isn't that bad as long as you have a good bedside manner. Have a chat with everyone as you're healing them, get to know the regulars and build up a nice raport with them. Sooner or later you'll find them dropping by simply to give you spare organics that they have.


But at the very start when you're just able to heal damage what you should do is run around the cities giving people top ups, help the newbies who are just outside the city walls struggling with the weaker enemies as they slowly build up the exp. If you do that and expect nothing in return you'll find it quite enjoyable. Eventually you'll get enough crafting exp to start pumping into the chemisty branch, focus on that as hard as possible because as soon as you are able to heal wounds then you can spend your time in med centres treating people who have wounds.


I had a blast during beta as a medic so it is possible to have fun with it, mainly as long as you enjoy socialising with other people.


If you want money then find something to suppliment your income cause a medic is never going to be living on another but a shoestring budget and as long as there are medics like me out there helpping people for no charge then you're only going to find yourself struggling even more as they come to me and not you. That isn't to say you should NEVER demand money for healing, if someone comes into the med centre with 50% wounds and you don't exactly have a surplus of wound vials then let them know what you're gonna charge them. Cause when someone has allowed themselves to get into that bad a state then they shouldn't be expecting you to use the bulk of your supplies to heal them even if the exp is good.


It's far better to treat 5 people who had minor wounds so that they can get going rather than sit down with a single person for 20 minutes just because they weren't looking after themselves.

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