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I'm back! :)


Aussie - Cool! Can I be in your PA then? Please? :D


Nutty - Right.


1) Most Popular race? Probably Wookie or Human... there are a few Zabracks around, but their health regeneration sucks, unless you swap stats around, like I did!


2) Most popular profession? Hmm... that, I'm not too sure on... haven't seen many image designers and armoursmiths round a lot... and I could do with both! ;)

My Zabrack needs some full body tattooness going on! ;)

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Heh... I don't have either of those... I don't trust them after I got two nasty trojan viruses on my old computer... we'll have to communicate via e-mail! :)

And you should name the PA... its your idea to start it, so you should be the leader and name it! :D

Nothing cheesy, like "The DeathBringers", or anything like that though... ;)

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OK cool. So maybe I will be a Human and I'm thinking I will just start with loads of starting proffs then see what happens and where it takes me



Looks like my game wont be here until tomorrow. Sent 1st class post yesterday and didnt arrive with this mornigs post :(


Ah well another night of AC2 to keep me amused before I hit SWG tomorrow :)

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My Boyfriend just text me...


Our CE copies of SWG were dcelieverd to his place this morning.... So I will be online later :)


Hopefully it will be Wanderhome but I will need to decide with him as we dont wanna be on seperate servers :)



OMG I'm so excited... how am I gonna get through the rest of the days work!!!

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We also have a couple of mates from AC2 that may join us once we have reported back as to how good the game is...


/jumps around with excitment...


/watches clock for 4.30pm to hurry up and get here....


/remembers she has a meeting at 2.30pm to worry about first...


God why does work have to get in the way soooo much!!

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Ive just talked to a guy on irc and him and his m8 will join us v.soon :)


My copy will most likely be here first thign 2morrow now :D


so those of u which already hav it plz just form a group and spread the word were forming a new PA which ill put in the official forums asasp :D

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You know, I might just go and play SWG now... I fancy playing it, right now. hehe :D

No, but seriously, go on Wanderhome with us! It'll be cool to have a PA of our own! :)


What are we gonna call the PA Aussie? If I'm gonna spread the word, I need to let everyone know what its called! ;)

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Yes nuttystar, you can. But you could have a few more professions if you didnt fill up the skill tree for a profession, like dancing...


you will be able to have many professions, aslong as you dont use up all if your skill points on 3 or more professions




Aussie- about the PA thing, i think we should call it... sommink like... :confused: i have no idea actually. And about making a PA, i dont have a clue how to make one :eek:

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Good morning guys!!


Nice to meet you online last night Neon. Thanks for all your help. I am totally shattered today though so I am gonna take a 1/2 day and get some R&R before loging on to swg this arvo


So who is gonna be on this arvo and what time ish? My in game name on Wanderhome is Nuttystar (how original!!!)


I just have to say that although it was all a bit overwhelming yesterday, I think I am gonna love this game



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