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Hey I have a clan!


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welcome!!!!! (tries to steal semis job :p )


what mod u thinking of going too some ppl dislike certain mods :p, 1.04 patch is almost a must ...


some info i.e what your clan plays (tffa, ffa, duel etc)




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Hmm, my cln is mostly hang around and duel sometimes clan. It is fun but I need more members, and I need a way to officialize my server. And if I do upgrade to 1.04 I won't be able to see my other members with 1.02. Arrgg, I need some hints and tips! Not fish and chips, hints and tips! :bdroid2:

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Originally posted by SirSeznihc-Zain

Hey Semi, since you are here whats up with this points system, whats it for?:bdroid2:


You can buy things at the store with it. I hate to be mr.mod, but stay on topic.


Anyway, I recommend downloading some sort of jedimod and get the 1.04 patch, because that's what most everyone has these days.

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

You can buy things at the store with it. I hate to be mr.mod, but stay on topic.


Anyway, I recommend downloading some sort of jedimod and get the 1.04 patch, because that's what most everyone has these days.



But only the cool people, right Obi? :p


ctually, i recommend Jedi Plus. Or Omni-Mod. Tke a look at http://www.jk2files.com. They have lots of stuff there. ;)

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