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NEW BUG..be careful ;)

Devlyyn Sarr

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Hey guys, just wanted to give a heads up so you dont be stupid like me. I've lost about 6-7k cr because of this. Anyway, getting money from missions in groups is NOT working. If you are grouped and doing a mission you wont get paid. This has happened to me ever since the last patch and everyone that i have grouped with. The best thing to do is not to group and just have everyone get 2 missions. Then do all the missions so everyone gets paid. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon. :)

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the delivery and destroy missions are apparently being worked on because there is a balance issue that is allowing groups to get faction exp very fast and its allowing them to gain rank quickly with the empire or rebel alliance faction. This problem was suppose to have been fixed completely and working since friday according to holo, a Dev at SOE who made a post about it on the offical boards. In my experiences though its even more broken. But it is more balanced now, just that well.... it doesnt work period now! :p but when it does finally work you should see it a lot more balanced and fair.


Before players were able to get the highest rank as a emperial or rebel member. The players that joined the empire were getting full storm trooper armor and 3 AT-ST's within a few hours of doing delivery missions with a 50 person group.

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