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Problems with massive video lag.


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This is copied from the hardware issue thread. I have updated all drivers to thier latest drivers.:


i am having a problem with video lag in SWG. Im have:


p4 1.5

Intel Mother board


G4 ti 128 meg card.

SB Audigy


And for some reason my fps drops to 5 or so in town. I have all of the latest drivers both video and sound. And it isn't connection lag because i'm pinging in the low 40's to higher 50's. Any ideas?

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I also have the same exact problem and similar system...My system is as follows.


P4-2.4 gig

Asus Geforce 4 Ti4200 with 128megs of DDR

512 megs PC 333 DDR

Soundblaster Live X-Gamer 5.1

Asus P4PE MoBo w/serial ATA Raid (intel chipset)

2- 60 gig 7200 rpm serial Maxtor drives (Raid)

All Latest drivers with Windows XP Pro sp1 and DX9

This is an install of windows thats only a month old!!


I have never seen a game this system can't handle. Sure there is faster but I have never needed anything else and I am talking any game other than Galaxies I can crank up the grafix all the way and flip on FSAA in some cases along with 1600x1024 res on a 24 inch monitor and it run perfect. But in Galaxies forget even getting a acceptable frame rate. I am talking base line settings in the game like

Outside game video options like

Bump Mapping (off)

and some of the others (off)

ingame with all slidder bars in grafix and terrain turned down all the way or off completly as with "shadow rendering". I have played alot of games just like the rest of the nerds out there and with all that turned off I should keep a solid 30fps in the game but I still see the rate drop. I do have the frame rate drop below 10fps when in town or in a cantina. With default video settings in a cantina I drop below 5 fps and have to stop touching the mouse to see where I end up moving to. It appears Sony put a frame lock on the game at 30fps so you need every frame you can get, anything below 20fps is unacceptable when playing. So what the Hell gives ??????????????????

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This has been a common problem throughout the whole of beta as I'm aware, they never did manage to suitibly fix it, the issue is actually that SWG isn't efficient at using RAM so if you have windows XP and 512Mb then you'll find that by the time the game gets around to being giving some RAM resources it's only about 300mb after XP takes a chunk for itself. The fact is that SWG needs at least 512mb FOR ITSELF, so even if you have 512mb in the pc it's not enough unless you're running an older operating system like Win98 that only uses around 32mb. Even then you'll get decreased performance in cities and busy locations.


I'd suggest an ideal about of 1Gb (thats 1000mb) of RAM if you're running an XP machine and frankly if you're using an older OS i don't think that the extra amount will matter since they were only designed to operate with a maximum of 512mb anyway.

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i dont get it, i have tried everything, friend with the exact same system as mine run it perfect with graphics up. Yeah i checked that out tonight, system is at 350ish ram when i load swg. I did a mem wipe and got it to 410, and when the game is going it drops it to about 5 unused ram, my problem is that RDRAM is frickin costly. i am looking at 460 for 2 512 chips (they need to be in pairs)Guess i should just build a new comp with some ddr ram.

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A friend of mine was running this game with 512MB of Ram on an XP machine and he couldn't stand the 1FPS hickups all the time in town, so he went out and bought himself another 512MB stick.


His game runs as smooth as butta now. Well, not THAT smooth, but real close. He is only using a Radeon 9000 Pro and his game still looks mighty impressive up close. The only problem is the distant hills way out here are extremely ugly.

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I had:


1.8Gig Prcessor

256Mb DDR Ram

64 MB GF4 video card


and I could not play the game at all.


Now I have:


1.8 Gig Processor

768Mb DDR Ram

128MB GF4 Video card and it runs like a dream.


I don't have all the grafix turned all the way up mind you. But I runs smooth and I don't get any stutters except now and again in the city.


Ram is the biggest problem. Anyone with XP need to get 786+ Ram to play with a good frame rate.


my .02$ Dirty

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Well I kinda suspected all along that it was the ram issue. So today I added another 512 stick of ram to my system. I am happy to say that for the most part it has solved my problem. I raised my grafix performance level and also was able to increase the grafix detail. I gained a more stable frame rate and about 10 to 15 more fps on any town areas were I was pulling 10 and under before. However the game still could stand to run even better and I dont have all the grafix turned up. In all, was it worth it? ...well if you think Galaxies is a great game and cant get enough then yeah its worth it. As for me I am happy with the added Windows xp speed. But not sure if spending 90 bucks more on Galaxies makes me happy. I am alittle on the bitter side that the game still runs poorly for people. I hope Galaxies will completely amaze me soon so I can think this is a worth while investment. So lets look at the total here.

49.99 for SWG

21.99 for Stategy Guide

14.99 for first month of paid subscription

89.99 for 512 ddr pc2700 from a local computer outlet

Grand total 177 bucks...the circle is now complete, I am a nerd


The coolness has almost worn off for me so I need something quick to keep me going on it.

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Where am i able to buy these......512 Ram stcks at.......And also i will need full instalment instructions to put these things in.....I am not smart in the art of building stuff........Except for legos.....Actually not even with lgos.......(SOB'S)........

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I have posted my specs up before but......seeing as most of you have played the game now will this system run swg fine or will i need to upgrade also i need to know about 56k i hope it works good but i need opinions.......






USB 2.0










Sound Blaster Live 5.1 Sound card





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